On Knowing When to Quit

⏰ Mindset Minute

{March 7, 2023}

Picture this, friend:

You’re on a cross-country road trip from Maryland to Arizona. As you’re driving along the highway, you look around and realize that you took a wrong turn and are headed toward snowy Canada instead of the sunny desert.

At this point, what do you do?

Your choices include:

A) Get mad, pull off on the side of the road, and beat yourself up/judge yourself for making the mistake.

B) Go all the way back to where you made the “wrong” turn, and then make the “right” turn onto the “right” road.

C) Keep driving down the same road because you “already put so much time, effort, and money” on this road and it’d be a waste to quit or turnaround.

D) Look around, get your bearings, then figure out how to course-correct from where you are right here, right now.

There’s no one right answer in this scenario. And I’m 99.9% certain that you’ve experienced an iteration of every one of these options.

I know I have.

The thing is that at one point or another (in every area of life) you have to be willing to CHANGE YOUR MIND.

As an entrepreneur, you can't afford to be stuck in old ways of thinking or doing things.

You need to be open to change your mind if you want you and your business to grow and succeed.

In her book Quit: The Power of Knowing When to Walk Away Annie Duke says, “If you quit on time, you will feel you quit early.”

To be clear, I am NOT telling you to recklessly quit your job or chuck up the deuces and say…

What I am saying is that all too often we don’t incorporate a “kill switch” in our lives.

Some people call them standards, others call them boundaries.

But knowing when to course correct without the judgement or guilt is a powerful muscle that we must exercise regularly.

I’ll leave you with an insightful question to reflect on:

“What am I tolerating in my life?”

Then take that list and decide how you want to move forward.

But remember, you can always change your mind. 😉


Not Making a Decision is Still a Decision


Do Yourself a Favor