On Clearing and Releasing 2023
I’ve spent the last 6 days battling the worst flu I can ever remember. It started right before a 14-hr leg from Hawaii to South Carolina, and went fully downhill from the day I landed until yesterday.
Today is the first day I’ve felt like some semblance of a human.
At one point, the fever delirium was so potent that I angrily questioned the actual purpose of human existence as a whole. Like, what are we even doing here and what was the point of me getting better at all?
Crazy, right?
3 lbs of epsom salt, 4 gallons of water, and 2 full boxes of Kleenex later, I had an intuitive nudge to Google, “spiritual meaning of the flu.”
I found out that having the flu can symbolize an incredible cleansing and purification of both the mind and body.
I don’t know about you guys, but 2023 has been a doozy for a lot of us.
For me, it has been a year of deep felt emotions, heavy trauma healing, and the breaking of long-standing, generational patterns.
And this flu couldn’t have been a more perfect way to purge.
The thick, dark discharge was symbolic of the dense energy of the limiting beliefs that were impressed upon me that have held me back from playing full-out my entire life.
The fluctuating body temperatures were like the ups and downs of my self-belief and self-trust. Playing hot and cold with my desires and goals.
Yesterday, I went into a deep meditation and heard my guides say,
“Pumehana, we are with you,”
and I just broke. Even now, I’m tearing up as I hear those words clear as a bell in my mind.
As this year draws to a close, I hope you take these final hours to reflect on what you’ll be leaving in 2023. What gunky thoughts and habits will you be clearing and releasing?
Because there’s no room for it in 2024.
You have too much ahead of you. Too much to accomplish. Too many people need your light in 2024 for it to be dimmed and blocked by your own bullshit.
Yeah, you heard me.
It’s the final countdown, my love. Get it all out, and let’s run toward 2024.
i am with you.
i believe in you.