Pumehana Palmer

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Episode 4: Do THIS Before Setting Your 2023 Goals

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Welcome to 2023! It's a new year with new possibilities and new heights for you to hit. BUT before you do that, I challenge you to pause for a moment, and reflect on 2022 first. I see so many people rushing to set new goals but they forget about this key step. 


Reflecting on your 2022 lays the foundation of your 2023 goals. In this podcast episode, I share with you four reflection questions to ask before you start setting goals for the next year. Use them as journaling prompts and really dive deep into the answers. You might be surprised by what kind of clarity it brings.

*NOTE: This episode was recorded in 2022 and released in 2023.

In this episode, we chat about:

  • What should you consider before setting goals for the next year

  • The most important part of your goal-setting session

  • Four questions to ask yourself before setting goals for 2023

  • Why should you celebrate your wins and failure

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More about Seeds Of Growth:

Seeds of Growth is a podcast for the fresh-faced real estate agent and small business owner looking to build her business from the inside out. Pumehana Palmer is a Mindset & Growth Coach to new real estate agents, small business owners, and high-achieving female entrepreneurs. She’s sold over $16M in real estate in her first 3 years and has been featured on multiple podcasts and platforms to share her elevated approach to success. 

Pumehana believes that true success happens from the inside out and is on a mission to plant seeds of growth and transformation one powerful conversation at a time. Every Tuesday, Pumehana will bring you a solo cast, interview, or coaching experience with business owners just like you to help shift your perspective, elevate your beliefs, and build a business that excites you!