Episode 11: How to Live a Flavorful Life

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Welcome to another episode of Twofer Tuesday! Today, we dive into the power of reflection and absorbing the massive amount of information that we consume.

Everyday we consume an insane amount of information. You’ll often hear, “We live in The Information Age.” Any question you ask can be answered in 0.92847 seconds, thanks to the Almighty Google. We even sign up to get information delivered to our inbox or opt in for daily notifications on our phones.

But how much time do we actually spend soaking in that piece of information? Or do we just read a quote, or skim through a blog, and say, “Wow, that’s so true!” and then move on with our lives?

It truly is wonderful that we have access to all this information but it’s important that we actually absorb it, extract insights, digest it and allow the wisdom to soak in. Tune in as I dive into the importance of reflection in today’s podcast episode!

In this episode, I chat about:

  • What role does reflection play in transformation

  • Binge-ing on information is not that good for you as you might think

  • How to take the time to extract and digest lessons from your experiences

Connect with Pumehana:

Resources from this episode:

For full show notes and more resources, visit pumehanapalmer.com/podcast/episode-11

More about Seeds Of Growth:

Seeds of Growth is a podcast for the fresh-faced real estate agent and small business owner looking to build her business from the inside out. Pumehana Palmer is a Mindset & Growth Coach to new real estate agents, small business owners, and high-achieving female entrepreneurs. She’s sold over $16M in real estate in her first 3 years and has been featured on multiple podcasts and platforms to share her elevated approach to success. 

Pumehana believes that true success happens from the inside out and is on a mission to plant seeds of growth and transformation one powerful conversation at a time. Every Tuesday, Pumehana will bring you a solo cast, interview, or coaching experience with business owners just like you to help shift your perspective, elevate your beliefs, and build a business that excites you! 


Episode 12: Letting Go of What No Longer Serves You


Episode 10: Formula for Change + Transformation