Episode 20: How to Make Hard Decisions

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Today, I want to share a story that's still fresh and deeply personal.

You know how life throws opportunities our way? Well, this one has been persistently knocking on my door for nearly two years.

But let me tell you, making this decision wasn't your typical "yes" or "no" scenario. It threw me into a whirlwind of self-discovery, ultimately leading me to understand my own worth and accept a higher standard for myself.

Tune in as I dive into the details of this opportunity, how I made the decision, the role my priorities played, and mastering the art of saying "no" when it's not a resounding "Hell, yes!"

Be sure to listen to the end where I share my game-changing framework that will guide you through those tough choices of your own.

Join me as I reveal more about my own adventure of self-reflection, growth, and embracing my authentic self.

It's time to make bold decisions that genuinely align with your passions and create a future that truly excites you!

In this episode, I chat about:

  • An opportunity that’s been posed to me repeatedly in the last two years

  • Why I never took on the opportunity and why did I start considering it now

  • A realization I had during a late-night contract writing session

  • My “filter question” and how I used it when making hard decisions

  • Applying the mantra “If it’s not a hell YES then it’s a clear no”

  • The biggest takeaway from this experience

  • My 3-step framework for making hard decisions

Connect with Pumehana:


“I've gotten to a point in my life in which I will disappoint others before I will disappoint myself again” - Pumehana

More about Seeds Of Growth:

Seeds of Growth is a podcast for the fresh-faced real estate agent and small business owner looking to build her business from the inside out. Pumehana Palmer is a Mindset & Growth Coach to new real estate agents, small business owners, and high-achieving female entrepreneurs. She’s sold over $16M in real estate in her first 3 years and has been featured on multiple podcasts and platforms to share her elevated approach to success. 

Pumehana believes that true success happens from the inside out and is on a mission to plant seeds of growth and transformation one powerful conversation at a time. Every week, Pumehana will bring you a solo cast, interview, or coaching experience with business owners just like you to help shift your perspective, elevate your beliefs, and build a business that excites you! 


Episode 21: You Don’t Ask, You Don’t Get


Episode 19: The Power of Prioritizing