Episode 21: You Don’t Ask, You Don’t Get

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It’s another Mindset Minute episode! Today we explore a profound concept that can transform your life: the value of asking for what you want.

In this episode, I share a personal story that uncovers a mindset shift around making requests for our needs and desires.

I challenge the misconception that asking is selfish or rude, revealing how embracing it is vital for mindful business owners. Tune in as we discuss the delicate balance between you and your business, highlighting that your self-worth isn't tied to the outcomes, explore the true value of asking and its deep connection to your purpose and value.

As a driven business owner, you bring so much value to the world. Business owners actively solve the world’s problems every single day.

Listen in as I challenge you to step outside your comfort zone, and ask for what you need and desire. Embrace the power of asking and unlock a world of growth and success!

Topics covered in this episode:

  • Unraveling the reasons behind our reluctance to ask for what we need or want.

  • Debunking the myth that asking for what we want is selfish or rude.

  • Overcoming negative narratives and recognizing the immense value in expressing our desires.

  • Understanding how the act of asking aligns with our purpose and values.

  • Exploring different forms of value representation beyond the monetary exchange.


"We don't ask. We don't get." - Pumehana

More about Seeds Of Growth:

Seeds of Growth is a podcast for the fresh-faced real estate agent and small business owner looking to build her business from the inside out. Pumehana Palmer is a Mindset & Growth Coach to new real estate agents, small business owners, and high-achieving female entrepreneurs. She’s sold over $16M in real estate in her first 3 years and has been featured on multiple podcasts and platforms to share her elevated approach to success. 

Pumehana believes that true success happens from the inside out and is on a mission to plant seeds of growth and transformation one powerful conversation at a time. Every week, Pumehana will bring you a solo cast, interview, or coaching experience with business owners just like you to help shift your perspective, elevate your beliefs, and build a business that excites you! 


Episode 22: Healing from the Inside Out with Ali Ramos


Episode 20: How to Make Hard Decisions