On Focus and Restraint

{October 4, 2022}

- 2 Ideas from others -

“Let us therefore set out whole-heartedly, leaving aside our many distractions and exert ourselves in the single purpose…”

- Seneca
Roman stoic philosopher, statesman, satirist

”His greatness, like all true greatness, was not rooted in aggression or ego… but in simplicity and restraint and how he commanded himself— which in turn made him worthy of commanding others.”

- Ryan Holiday on President Dwight D. Eisenhower
American author, modern stoic, podcaster


- 2 Coaching Prompts -

As entrepreneurs we are undeniably the leaders of our businesses and covertly the leaders of our clients. But most importantly, we are a leader of ourself.

As said leaders, our main job is to maintain FOCUS and RESTRAINT for good of those who look to us for direction.

To focus on the main thing: our personal core values, our family/company’s macro vision. To restrain ourself from distractions, excuses or egoic indulgences.

I believe that clearly defined boundaries allows for freedom, creativity, and authenticity.

In an era where our attention is a commodity, and businesses monetize distractions, focus and self-discipline are our super-powers…(with social media as our kryptonite).

With that, here are your prompts:

  • When was the last time you’ve reviewed your core values? It is these values that you operate from and subtly influence your decisions. Run yourself through the Core Values exercise in the Resource section below, and see how mis/alignment with your personal values have created dissonance in your life.

  • Much like an artist creates a beautiful piece within the restraints of her canvas, so too can you create the unimaginable within the confines of your discipline. What are some non-negotiables in your life that will get you closer to your goals?


- 2 Affirmations -

  • I choose to focus on what is most important in every situation.

  • Freedom is an opportunity to practice discipline and restraint.

- 2 Resources -

The following resources and links are not affiliated and I do not make a commission on the sale of these products.

Down to Your Core exercise I created this exercise for my coaching clients to clearly shine a light on what is most important to them from a subconscious level. Download this worksheet and increase your self-awareness to another level.

Discipline is Destiny Ryan Holiday’s most recent book has been my obsession as of late. I wouldn’t identify myself as a Stoic, but I value and strive to embody the virtues that the Stoic philosophers taught upon. This book is for anyone who desires to understand discipline and how it was modeled to us in ancient and contemporary figures.


On the Journey…


On Saying Yes + No