On Taking Messy Action

{August 9, 2022}

- 2 Ideas from others -

“Imperfect action is better than perfect inaction.”

- Harry S. Truman
Former US President

“You don’t have to see the whole staircase, you just have to take the first step.”

- Martin Luther King Jr.
American Civil Rights leader, minister

- 2 Coaching Prompts -

I remember the first time someone offered the distinction between taking risks and being reckless. Taking a risk involves an awareness to the possibility of danger and moving forward (sometimes prepared, sometimes not). While being reckless involves a blatant ignorance of danger and adverse results.

Taking “messy action” doesn’t have to mean we go balls-to-wall on whatever “lights us up” in the moment. Taking messy action simply means: START BEFORE YOU’RE “READY.”

My love, you will never be truly ready for the things that move you forward in life. And it’s typically the really hard shit that move you forward— no one’s ready to do that.

Sure, absolutely, do your homework, do the research, whatever you need to do. Remember, preparation breeds confidence. Create a plan… but then EXECUTE.

Done is better than perfect, my love.

  • In the challenging situation you’re facing right now, what would a risky move look like? What would a reckless move look like?

  • What little actions can you do to prepare for a risky move? 

- 2 Affirmations -

  • Preparation breeds confidence.

  • Done is better than perfect.

- 2 Resources -

The following resources and links are not affiliated and I do not make a commission on the sale of these products.

Bone Broth CleanseFor the past 3 months, my (crazy) friends and I do a 3-day bone broth cleanse once a month to reset our digestive system and intentionally put ourselves in a deeply uncomfortable mental/physical state. It’s been fascinating to notice the subtle ways impulsivity and desire shows up in just food choices.

Bone BrothIdeally I’d like to make my bone broth, but with my crazy life, really, who am I kidding? Here’s a link to the organic bone broth I drink.


On Taking Action RIGHT NOW


On Taking Action…